AC Voltmeter using Arduino In this project, we are going to make an AC Voltage Measuring Device using Arduino, which will measure the voltage of Alternating Current Supply at our home. We are going to print that voltage on serial monitor of Arduino IDE as well as show on the multimeter. Making a Digital Voltmeter is a lot easy than making an analog one because in case of analog voltmeter you must have good knowledge of physical parameters like torque, friction losses etc. whereas in case of digital voltmeter you can just use a LCD or LED matrix or even your laptop (as in this case) to print the voltage values for you. Here are some Digital Voltmeter Projects : Simple Digital Voltmeter Circuit with PCB using ICL7107 LM3914 Voltmeter Circuit 0-25V Digital Voltmeter using AVR Microcontroller Required Components: One 12-0-12 transformer 1N4007 diode 1uf capacitor Resistors 10k; 4.7k. ...